Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Favorites

Since my day is being so highly irritating, I've decided to compose a list of all my favorite things. This should be fun and hopefully brighten my dreary cold-weather mood. Here it goes.

Actor/Actress: Jason Statham / Sandra Bullock
Animal: Shark
Bad-for-you Indulgence: Wine (though a glass of red wine a day has been said to be good for you)
Band:  Bon Jovi
Book: Romeo & Juliet (yes, I know its cliché)
Candy: Godiva 72-85% dark chocolate
Color: Blue
Daily Necessity: Coffee
Exercise: Kickboxing
Food: Spaghetti
Fruit: Strawberries
Guilty Pleasure: American Idol
Holiday: Halloween
iPhone App: Wells Fargo (ridiculous I know, but it’s entirely too convenient)
Letter: J (for obvious reasons)
Month: November
Movie: Boondock Saints

Number: 5
Outfit: summer dress and boots
Person: My Daddy - he is way too awesome and is the best cook ever
Quote: "Remember to always be yourself... unless you suck" – Joss Whedon
Song Lyric: “Life’s a roller coaster ride… the ups and downs will make you scream sometimes…” – Lie to Me by Bon Jovi
Relaxing Thing to Do: take a hot bubble bath
Restaurant: NY Pizza & Pasta on Neches in Beaumont
Ringtone: Dirt Road Anthem by Jason Aldean
Scent: the pages of a new paperback novel
Season: Fall
Silly Thing to Do: Sing and dance  to the radio
Social Media Outlet: Facebook (thought Twitter is slowly converting me)
Song (This Week): Strong Enough by Adam David 
Soundtrack: Once More with Feeling (the Buffy Musical Episode) - it's hilarious
Sibling: Cheyenne - my too cool Bubbie 

Thing to Dislike: Broccoli
Time of Day: late afternoon
TV Show (currently on the air): Supernatural
TV Show (of all time): Buffy
TV Show Character: Jess from New Girl

Monday, January 16, 2012

I'm Back...

So, it's only been about 8 million years since my last post. But, since my last "caffeine-inspired" blog, my life has become something ridiculously close to a Lifetime movie. Actually, a Lifetime movie is more believable than what has been in the works lately.

First, the obvious change, Kenneth and I are no longer together... Guess that small but classy wedding we talked about will just not happen. Took awhile - hence the non-posting - but I've realized that some things happen for a reason and it's for the best. Cliche, yes, but true. 

Also, since my last post, my father and I have had a major falling out. Crazy, since he's such an amazing dad (not really) but I've finally had enough of his drama and have ceased speaking to him (at least for the time being.) It probably had something to do with him dating my fiance's mother and getting her pregnant while Kenneth and I were still dating and living together. Highly awkward. As an update, his mother and my father had a miscarriage, broke up (twice) and are now back together again. Theirs is a healthy kind of love.

Now, for the good things. Christmas and New Years passed in a decent fashion with no complaints from me. I got a Keurig coffee maker (AMAZING!) and spent time with my awesome family and friends. I got a raise, I've been working out (feeling good), I've been looking for a new place for my newly single self (kind of a fresh start), and I'm finally beginning to feel like 2012 might be a pretty great year.

I'm not naive enough to think that all of the drama is behind me - but I'm thinking that things are definitely looking up. Let's go 2012!!