Since my day is being so highly irritating, I've decided to compose a list of all my favorite things. This should be fun and hopefully brighten my dreary cold-weather mood. Here it goes.
Actor/Actress: Jason Statham / Sandra Bullock
Animal: Shark
Bad-for-you Indulgence: Wine (though a glass of red wine a day has been said to be good for you)
Band: Bon Jovi
Book: Romeo & Juliet (yes, I know its cliché)
Candy: Godiva 72-85% dark chocolate
Color: Blue
Daily Necessity: Coffee
Exercise: Kickboxing
Food: Spaghetti
Fruit: Strawberries
Guilty Pleasure: American Idol
Holiday: Halloween
iPhone App: Wells Fargo (ridiculous I know, but it’s entirely too convenient)
Letter: J (for obvious reasons)
Month: November
Movie: Boondock Saints
Number: 5
Outfit: summer dress and boots
Person: My Daddy - he is way too awesome and is the best cook ever
Quote: "Remember to always be yourself... unless you suck" – Joss Whedon
Song Lyric: “Life’s a roller coaster ride… the ups and downs will make you scream sometimes…” – Lie to Me by Bon Jovi
Relaxing Thing to Do: take a hot bubble bath
Restaurant: NY Pizza & Pasta on Neches in Beaumont
Ringtone: Dirt Road Anthem by Jason Aldean
Scent: the pages of a new paperback novel
Season: Fall
Silly Thing to Do: Sing and dance to the radio
Social Media Outlet: Facebook (thought Twitter is slowly converting me)
Song (This Week): Strong Enough by Adam David
Soundtrack: Once More with Feeling (the Buffy Musical Episode) - it's hilarious
Sibling: Cheyenne - my too cool Bubbie
Thing to Dislike: Broccoli
Time of Day: late afternoon
TV Show (currently on the air): Supernatural
TV Show (of all time): Buffy
TV Show Character: Jess from New Girl
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